Our obsession with detail when making vodka begins with our traditional preparation techniques that at the same time take full advantage of our state-of-the-art equipment and guarantee the highest quality throughout. To begin, at De Cajón we are committed to the most meticulous selection of the best Peruvian potatoes that we employ as our starch source, where we convert potato starch into sugar that ferments into potato beer, and later is distilled into premium spirit.
A large part of the art and science of our process is shepherding this early step of fermentation, where the yeast are provided with the ideal conditions of temperature, pH and nutrients, which ensures the superior flavor of a premium vodka. But it is after fermentation that the real magic happens, when we slowly distill and later rectify the spirit, concentrating the character of our potatoes using our world standard copper still and copper towers. And after this, to obtain an even purer product, we slowly carbon filter our spirit, polishing the alcohol and eliminating the few unwanted flavors and odors that escaped the earlier steps; this gives the shine, texture and transparency of our high quality vodka.